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Backpack Ministry
Anthony & Rachael Kernodle
This ministry provides weekend take-home meals for over 100 children a week who attend Duncan Elementary School.
Blessed Women
Alicia Johnson
A ministry for like-minded women of all ages who want to worship GOD and serve others and fellowship while serving.
Media Ministry
Danny Vaughn
This ministry is the behind-the-scenes lifeline of Duncan First. They are responsible for online streaming, recording, and sound and lighting.
Military Ministry
Marie Stevens
An ongoing outreach ministry for those in active military service and for veterans. Around 300 enlisted men and women have received cards, letters, and gifts, and the veterans of our congregation are honored each year.
Safety Team
Greg Bridges
Our team is committed to providing a safe environment for our congregation during events on our church campus.
Usher Team
Chris Taylor
This team coordinates with the Safety Team and the Welcome Team in greeting our members, as well as collecting the weekly tithes and offerings.
Vineyard Prayer Ladies
Barbara Bolds
These ladies are mighty prayer warriors who fervently lift up our church, our staff members, and others in our community, whatever the need may be.
Kitchen Team
This team is active every Wednesday Night during the school year. Helpers are always needed to help serve, cook, and clean in the kitchen.
Welcome Team
Wanda McAlister
This team is the friendly face to all who attend or visit Duncan First. They are always eager to answer questions or lead anyone in need of direction.
Roam Team
Heather Morrow
(R.O.A.M.) Reaching Our Absent Members. Based on Romans 12:13, this team consists of caring individuals who want to enrich the lives of homebound members of our church with fellowship visits.
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