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Youth Pastor

Duncan First Baptist
103 East Main Street
Duncan SC 29334
(864) 439-7528
Job Overview:

Duncan First Baptist Church is seeking a Youth Pastor who has been called to serve Jesus and is passionate about creating and leading ministries for middle and high school students, and their families.  Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, a discipleship mindset, and an outgoing personality we are praying for the ideal candidate to help develop a vision and strategy that will help us love like Jesus loved.  In this position we see this leader developing, implementing, and promoting a ministry to students involving 6th-12th graders and their families for the purposes of salvation, spiritual growth, and family enrichment.


Lifestyle Expectations:
  • Personally pursue a maturing relationship with Jesus and be a Christlike example through the reading of the Bible.

  • Models the standards and expectations outlined in God’s Word including:

  • Baptism by immersion, commitment to personal spiritual growth, church membership, a lifestyle of generosity, and serving out of a call and giftedness.

  • Be a light in the world by being committed to the Great Commission and the Great Commandments.  Do this inside and outside the walls of Duncan First as a member of God’s family and the Duncan First family.


Primary Responsibilities: 
  • Understand and support the vision and mission of DFBC.

  • Commit to making Christ-centered teaching a priority in every environment and event.

  • Develop intentional and healthy relationships with the students/families of DFBC, local schools, and the community.

  • Provide care for students and families within the church including helping with relevant hospital visits, guest relations, and follow-up.

  • Recognize important events in students’ lives; attend games and special events as your schedule allows.

  • Communicate consistently with students and their families to equip them in a timely manner.

  • Develop and coordinate student programs to reach students on their level spiritual growth. 

  • Coordinate the Youth Ministry Council and all Youth Workers and further enlist, train, provide resources, and encourage others to lead, serve, and teach our students and families.

  • Along with the Church Administrator, develop and oversee the Youth Ministry budget so it effectively and wisely utilizes church resources and maximizes ministry opportunities.

  • Maintain the Youth Group page on the DFB website, Facebook, and all applicable social media areas on a consistent basis to keep these spaces from growing stagnant.

  • Plan and oversee outreach events, special events such as camp, discipleship weekends, etc.

  • Help organize, plan, and work alongside any staff member as a team to accomplish the mission of Christ and DFBC. 

  • Integrate personally and as a family into the life of DFBC.

  • Attend worship services regularly to meet and greet DFBC church members and new families.


As a staff member:
  • Participate in staff meetings to maintain excellent relationships and open communication with all staff, providing up-to-date information about the Youth Ministry.

  • In conjunction with the Senior Pastor, the Youth Council, and other staff, set and cast the vision for Duncan First Baptist’s Youth Ministries and follow through with strategies and goals for the vision.

  • Abide by the Personnel Policies and Procedures outlined in the DFBC handbook.


Attributes for the position include: 
  • A positive, outgoing personality who enjoys building and leading teams.

  • An effective multitasker with a self-motivated work style. 

  • A solid history of consistently planning, communicating, and following through.

  • Prayerful in disposition and gentle and humble in character.

  • Able to organize and coordinate services and events.

  • Effective in planning & time management.


Additional Preferences
  • Experience in pastoral ministry, preferably in a related area (children’s ministry, student ministry, or young adult ministry)

  • Relational skills to lead and serve on a team in a medium-sized church (200+ active attendance)

  • Undergraduate degree required (seminary training is a plus)


  • Job Type: Full-time Average Hours Per Week:  40

  • Salary Range: $30,000—$35,000 Depending on Experience plus a parsonage and all housing expenses paid (internet, television, utilities, lawn care).


Additional Benefits:

  • Retirement, Health Insurance, Phone, and Paid Time Off


To Apply: Please submit resume to James Shetley at Duncan First Baptist at 

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